its a bigshopping center , is beautiful,there are many store for go to the shopping.
It has a built area of 62,577 M2 of which corresponds to the commercial area 22,580 M2, has 173 stores and its warehouse chain, Carrefour
is a very big mall cute and very soon going to have theaters with the best technology and create very large roomsUnicentro Pereira is a mall located in the city of Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia was inaugurated in May 2009.
Like other malls Unicentro chain, was built by Pedro Gomez y Cia
It has a built area of 62,577 M2 of which corresponds to the commercial area 22,580 M2, has 173 stores and its warehouse chain, Carrefour
is a very big mall cute and very soon going to have theaters with the best technology and create very large rooms
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